5 Natural Ingredients That Work Wonders For the Hair
Hair care is more than just looking good. Hair is the crown and glory of a human being. Everyone wants to have good and healthy hair. While most people are aware that it is important to use products that are suited to the hair type, several other things that can help with keeping the hair healthy and looking good. Hair care products may seem pretty straightforward and simple but there are many things that you can do at the comfort of your home to improve the health of your hair. Throughout the years, people have used natural ingredients to take care of their hair. With hair, you need to maintain it as much as possible and that's why you need to keep them clean and healthy as much as possible. Here are 5 natural ingredients that work wonders for the hair.
- Aloe vera - Aloe vera is rich in fatty acids, Vitamin A, C, and E, essential amino acids, and minerals like zinc and copper and has myriad benefits for your skin and hair. The proteolytic enzymes present in aloe vera deeply cleanse, heal, and repair damaged cells in the scalp. The plant is also packed with antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties that are essential for a healthy and dandruff-free scalp. Using aloe vera regularly improves hair growth and texture and makes your hair healthier, smoother, and shinier.
- Hibiscus - Loaded with vitamin C, flavonoids, amino acids, mucilage fiber, moisture content, and antioxidants, hibiscus nourishes your hair from the roots and beautifies your locks. This has made hibiscus a major key ingredient of many hair care It protects your scalp from external damage, balances the pH of your scalp, fights dandruff and dry flakes, and delays premature greying of hair. Mucilage fiber present in the hibiscus prevents hair breakage and damage and deeply conditions your hair leaving them satin-soft and silky.
- Coconut oil - Coconut oil is the best oil to use on your hair to reduce protein loss and keep it healthy. The lauric acid present in coconut oil has nourishing properties that provide moisture to deal with frizzy and dry hair. It also treats dry scalp and dandruff, repairs everyday damage, improves texture and restores health and volume to your hair. Using a bowl of warm coconut oil to massage your scalp once a week provides a barrier for the scalp, prevents protein loss, and revitalizes your hair. For best results, consider using coconut oil about two to three times a week and make sure to rinse your scalp thoroughly to eliminate slickness from your hair.
- Lemon juice - Infused with the richness of Vitamin C, lemon juice is the best remedy to treat dandruff and itchy scalp. The anti-fungal properties of lemon keep your scalp away from grime and dust and curb issues like dandruff and scalp acne. It also boosts the production of collagen and refreshes your hair. The acidic properties of lemon deeply cleanse the scalp, restore pH levels, and add an element of luster to your luscious locks. Including lemon juice masks with other natural ingredients like honey, fenugreek seeds, green tea, or organic henna, in your hair care routine improves your hair texture and promotes hair growth.
- Shikakai - Shikakai, scientifically known as Acacia concinna is a thorny climbing shrub found in central and south India and has been conventionally used as a hair cleanser in most parts of our country. The pods, leaves, and bark of the tree are rich in Vitamin A, C, D, K, and E and were used by our ancestors as hair cleansers. Owing to its anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties, it prevents lice, moisturizes the hair, enhances hair growth, and stops hair from getting brittle and coarse. But there lies a question, where do you find shikakai pods these days? Especially, when you live in a metro city. Well, there’s a solution for this too. All you need to do is to use herbal shikakai shampoo. Meera Shikakai shampoo and Shikakai powder are specially formulated using Shikakai extracts and other herbal ingredients to provide essential nutrients to your hair. The products nourish your hair from the roots to the tips and give you stronger and healthier hair with every wash.